10:71-8.4 Complaints and fair hearings
(a) It is the right of every applicant for, or beneficiary of, Medicaid Only to be afforded the
opportunity for a fair hearing in the manner established by the policies and procedures set
forth in N.J.A.C. 10:49-10 and 10:69-6, regarding complaints and fair hearings (see N.J.A.C.
1:1). Complaints and fair hearings regarding Medicaid Only eligibility should be referred to:
Division of Medical Assistance and Health Services
Office of Legal and Regulatory Liaison
PO Box 712
Mail Code #3
Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0712
(b) In situations where an applicant or recipient is denied medical services to which he or
she feels that he or she is entitled, a request for a hearing and a brief explanation of the
situation should likewise be sent to the Office of Legal and Regulatory Liaison