HIPAA permits disclosure of POLST to Other healthcare professionals as necessary
New Jersey Practitioner Orders For Life-Sustaining Treatment (POLST)
Follow these orders, then contact physician/APN. This Medical Order Sheet is based on the current medical condition of the person
referenced below and their wishes stated verbally or in a written advance directive. Any section not completed implies full treatment for
that section. Everyone will be treated with dignity and respect.
Person Name (last, first, middle) D ate of Birth
6/15/15 send original form with person whenever transferred
Goals of Care
(See reverse for instructions. This section does not constitute a medical order.)
Medical Interventions: Person is breathing and/or has a pulse
❏❏ Full Treatment. Use all appropriate medical and surgical interventions as indicated to support life. If in a nursing facility, transfer to hospital if
indicated. See section D for resuscitation status.
❏❏ Limited Treatment. Use appropriate medical treatment such as antibiotics and IV fluids as indicated. May use non-invasive positive airway
pressure. Generally avoid intensive care.
❏❏ Transfer to hospital for medical interventions.
❏❏ Transfer to hospital only if comfort needs cannot be met in current location.
❏❏ Symptom Treatment Only. Use aggressive comfort treatment to relieve pain and suffering by using any medication by any route, positioning,
wound care and other measures. Use oxygen, suctioning and manual treatment of airway obstruction as needed for comfort. Use Antibiotics only
to promote comfort. Transfer only if comfort needs cannot be met in current location.
Additional Orders:______________________________________________________________________________
Artificially Administered Fluids and Nutrition:
Always offer food/fluids by mouth if feasible and desired.
q No artificial nutrition. q Defined trial period of artificial nutrition.
q Long-term artificial nutrition.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Person has no pulse and/or is not breathing
q Attempt resuscitation/CPR
q Do not attempt resuscitation/DNAR
Allow Natural Death
If I lose my decision-making capacity, I authorize my surrogate decision maker, listed below, to modify or revoke the NJ POLST orders in consultation with
my treating physician/APN in keeping with my goals: q Yes q No
q Health care representative identified in an advance directive q Other surrogate decision maker
Print Name of Surrogate (address on reverse) Phone Number
I have discussed this information with my physician/APN.
Print Name______________________________________
q Person Named Above
q Health Care Representative/Legal Guardian
q Spouse/Civil Union Partner
q Parent of Minor
q Other Surrogate
Airway Management
Person is in respiratory distress with a pulse
q Intubate/use artificial ventilation as needed
q Do not intubate - Use O2, manual treatment to
relieve airway obstruction, medications for comfort.
q Additional Order (for example defined trial period of mechanical
ventilation) _________________________________________________
Has the person named above made an anatomical gift:
q Yes q No q Unknown
These orders are consistent with the person’s medical condition, known
preferences and best known information.
PRINT - Physician/APN Name Phone Number
Physician/APN Signature (Mandatory) Date/Time
Professional License Number
Print Person’s Name (last, first, middle) Date of Birth
Print Person’s Address
Contact Information
Print Surrogate Health Care Decision Maker Address Phone Number
Directions for Health Care Professional
Completing POLST
■■ Must be completed by a physician or advance practice nurse.
■■ Use of original form is strongly encouraged. Photocopies and faxes of signed POLST forms may be used.
■■ Any incomplete section of POLST implies full treatment for that section.
Reviewing POLST
POLST orders are actual orders that transfer with the person and are valid in all settings in New Jersey. It is recommended that POLST be reviewed
periodically, especially when:
■■ The person is transferred from one care setting or care level to another, or
■■ There is a substantial change in the person’s health status, or
■■ The person’s treatment preferences change.
Modifying and Voiding POLST - An individual with decision making capacity can always modify/void a POLST at any time.
■■ A surrogate, if designated in Section E on the front of this form, may, at any time, void the POLST form, change his/her mind about the treatment
preferences or execute a new POLST document based upon the person’s known wishes or other documentation such as an advance directive.
■■ A surrogate decision maker may request to modify the orders based on the known desires of the person or, if unknown, the person’s best interest.
■■ To void POLST, draw a line through all sections and write “VOID” in large letters. Sign and date this line.
Section A
What are the specific goals that we are trying to achieve by this treatment plan of care? This can be determined by asking the simple question:
“What are your hopes for the future?” Examples include but not restricted to:
■■ Longevity, cure, remission
■■ Better quality of life
■■ Live long enough to attend a family event (wedding, birthday, graduation)
■■ Live without pain, nausea, shortness of breath
■■ Eating, driving, gardening, enjoying grandchildren
Medical providers are encouraged to share information regarding prognosis in order for the person to set realistic goals.
Section B
■■ When “limited treatment” is selected, also indicate if the person prefers or does not prefer to be transferred to a hospital for additional care.
■■ IV medication to enhance comfort may be appropriate for a person who has chosen “symptom treatment only.”
■■ Non-invasive positive airway pressure includes continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), or bi-level positive airway pressure (BiPAP).
■■ Comfort measures will always be provided.
Section C
Oral fluids and nutrition should always be offered if medically feasible and if they meet the goals of care determined by the person or surrogate. The
administration of nutrition and hydration whether orally or by invasive means shall be within the context of the person’s wishes, religion and cultural beliefs.
Section D
Make a selection for the person’s preferences regarding CPR and a separate selection regarding airway management. A defined trial period of mechanical
ventilation may be considered, for example, when additional time is needed to assess the current clinical situation or when the expected need would
be short term and may provide some palliative benefit.
Section E
This section is applicable in situations where the person has decision making capacity when the POLST form is completed. A surrogate may only void or
modify an existing POLST form, or execute a new one, if named in this section by the person.
Section F
POLST must be signed by a practitioner, meaning a physician or APN, to be valid. Verbal orders are acceptable with follow-up signature by physician/
APN in accordance with facility/community policy. POLST orders should be signed by the person/surrogate. Indicate on the signature line if the person/
surrogate is unable to sign, declined to sign, or a verbal consent is given.
HIPAA permits disclosure of POLST to Other healthcare professionals as necessary
send original form with person whenever transferred