How Do You Weigh
Odds of Survival?
Name & Date___________________________________
People evaluate the pros and cons of medical treatments in very personal ways. This explains why some people may choose a treatment and others reject it. A big question is, how much would you be willing to endure if the chances of regaining your current health were high? What if the chances were low? Answer the questions below to assess your willingness to take such risks.
► Imagine that you are seriously ill. The doctors are recommending treatment for your illness, but the treatments have very severe side effects, such as severe pain, nausea, vomiting, or weakness that could last for months.
Question: Would you be willing to endure such severe side effects if the chance that you would regain your current health was:
People evaluate the pros and cons of medical treatments in very personal ways. This explains why some people may choose a treatment and others reject it. A big question is, how much would you be willing to endure if the chances of regaining your current health were high? What if the chances were low? Answer the questions below to assess your willingness to take such risks.
► Imagine that you are seriously ill. The doctors are recommending treatment for your illness, but the treatments have very severe side effects, such as severe pain, nausea, vomiting, or weakness that could last for months.
Question: Would you be willing to endure such severe side effects if the chance that you would regain your current health was:
(Circle one answer for each)
High (over 80%) Moderate (50%)
Low (20%)
Very low (less than 2%) Very, very low
(less than 1 in 1,000)
Additional comments:
High (over 80%) Moderate (50%)
Low (20%)
Very low (less than 2%) Very, very low
(less than 1 in 1,000)
Additional comments:
Yes Not sure No
Yes Not sure No
Yes Not sure No
Yes Not sure No
Yes Not sure No
Yes Not sure No
ABA Commission on Law and Aging
Tool 3 / Page 1
Tool #3 source