Winning Strategies in Municipal Court
Monday, March 25, 2019
NJ Law Center, New Brunswick
Speakers: Kenneth A. Vercammen, Esq., Author ABA Criminal Law Forms
Norma Murgado Elizabeth & Woodbridge Prosecutor, Joshua Reinitz, Esq., Lorraine Nielsen, Prosecutor Milltown, East Brunswick, North Brunswick
John Menzel, Esq., Past Chair Municipal Court Section
Program agenda
5:30 Recent case law, Court Rules, Conditional Dismissal and Status of
Legalized Weed, - Kenneth A. Vercammen, Esq.
5:50 Initial client interview; getting retained; dealing with the prosecutor -
Kenneth A. Vercammen, Esq.
6:20 Driving While Suspended – Joshua H. Reinitz, Esq.
6:50 Drug Cases, DREs and what not to do to annoy the prosecutor – Lorraine Nielsen, Esq.
7:30 Assault and miscellaneous proceedings – Norma Murgado, Esq.
7:45 DWI/Under the Influence of Drugs - John Menzel, Esq. with prosecutorial response
8:15 Alcotest/Ignition Locks/Alcotest Refusal – John Menzel, Esq. with prosecutorial response
8:45 DWI: Point-Counterpoint – John Menzel, Esq.; Norma Murgado, Esq.
9:00 Question & Answer
Sponsor NJICLE NJ Institute for Continuing Legal Education, a Division of the NJSBA
(732) 214-8500