ABA Elder Law Committee - Fall
2016 Report
Division Name and Number: Division: 3 – Practice Specialty
Director Name: Kari Petrasek
Group Name: Family Law Group
Reporting Board or Committee: ABA Elder
Law Committee
Completed By: Kenneth Vercammen Co-Chair, Edison, NJ
1. What communications have you had
with your committee since last report? (e.g. conference call, meetings,
publications, use of discussion lists, etc.)
-Email to all members with copy of
Business plan
-Helped publicize Divisions new
book “Wills and Estate Administration Practice”
approx 240 pages to help raise revenue for section
-Proposed Meeting at New York
Annual meeting and possibly Miami Mid year
-Proposed Brown Bag
webinar and waiting for response
-Submitted short
articles to Jeff Allen for GP Solo eReport
“Scheduling Estate Planning interviews” and also “Handling Estate Planning Appointments and important items
to discuss with Clients”
2. Please
describe the substance of the activities set forth in number 1 above.
Please see number 1 above.
Next ABA Aging
and Law Networking conference calls
September 12, 2016
December 12, 2016
March 13, 2017
June 12, 2017
3-Please list your entity's activities and programs
since last report. - Revised book “Wills and Estate Administration Practice”
4- Where you are in completing your
annual planned activities? --Kenneth Vercammen revised and expanded the text
new book for Solo Division approved by Pub Board called “Wills and Estate
Administration Practice”.
- Requested a Brown
Bag seminar on Estate Planning
5-What is the status on any CLE,
publications, articles, etc.? See above
-Continue to submit articles to
Jeff Allen for Solo EReport
6. What plans do you have for the
rest of the year? Describe any future activities. -An email will be sent to all
Committee members to invite them to participate in the September Aging call September 12, 2016
December 12, 2016
March 13, 2017
June 12, 2017
All at 4:00 PM eastern time
Please have anyone wanting to be on the email list about the
calls, email David Godfrey asking to be added to the Law and Aging Networking
call list.
David Godfrey
Senior Attorney
American Bar Association
Commission on Law and Aging
1050 Connecticut Ave NW #400
Washington, DC 20036
7- Please state how your entity’s activities conform to
the Goals of the Division’s Long Range Plan. Articles and webinar
8- Report
on anything else: Promote recent ABA
Book: “Smart Marketing For the Small Firm Lawyer” from the American Bar
Author: Kenneth A Vercammen
Solo, Small Firm and General Practice Division
ABA Book Publishing