4:72-4. Hearing; Judgment; Publication; Filing
On the date fixed for hearing the court, if satisfied from the filed papers, with or without
oral testimony, that there is no reasonable objection to the assumption of another name by
plaintiff, shall by its judgment authorize plaintiff to assume such other name from and after the
time fixed therein, which shall be not less than 30 days from the entry thereof. At the hearing,
plaintiff must present adequate proof of his or her current name. Within 20 days after entry of
judgment, a copy thereof, from which plaintiffs social security number shall be redacted, shall
be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the county of plaintiffs residence, and
within 45 days after entry of judgment, the umedacted judgment and affidavit of publication of
the judgment shall be filed with the deputy clerk of the Superior Court in the county of venue
and a certified copy of the umedacted judgment shall be filed with the appropriate office within
the Department of Treasury. If plaintiff has been convicted ofa crime or if criminal charges are
pending, the clerk shall mail a copy of the judgment to the State Bureau of Identification.
Note: Source-R.R. 4:91-4; amended July 24, 1978 to be effective September 11,
1978; amended July 11, 1979 to be effective Septewber 10, 1979; amended July 22, 1983 to be
effective September 12, 1983; amended July 14, 1992 to be effective September 1, 1992;
amended July 13, 1994 to be effective September 1, 1994; amended June 20,